Perfection Pools & Plumbing LLC Holds a GB98
General Contractors & Plumbing License #381173
As Well the Workers Compensation & Liability
Insured & Bonded by the State of New Mexico
Damage-free Tile Cleaning!
Perfection Pools & Spas has invested in specialty Glass-Bead tile cleaning for its
customers! Our equipment is damage-free and creates like-new tile appearance. Dirty,
stained, or calcium-covered pool tiles can
ruin the look of your pool or spa and make
its use less enjoyable for you, your family,
and friends.
In the past cleaning pool tile was limited by
the lack of available pool tile cleaning
products and relied on the use of harsh
chemicals, grinding wheels and pumas stone
to remove pool calcium and clean pool tile.
These methods had the potential to burn,
scratch and permanently damage pool tile
Our pool tile cleaning service is safe, affordable, eco-friendly and through the use of our
state of the art equipment, uses a soft, mineral-based cleaning media specifically designed
to clean pool tile Without Damage.
Expert Plaster Cleaning for Pools & Spas
Plaster is cleaned through brushing, acid washing, or even sanding in some cases. Perfection
Pools and Spas has the experience to quickly evaluate your pool plaster that is stained or dirty
and recommend the best approach and cost options.
Some stained or dirty plaster cannot be effectively cleaned, and may need to be replaced. This
is why we suggest regular and expert pool maintenance to avoid such a costly process.
Be careful! Some tile
cleaning approaches
can damage your tile!
Be careful! Various types of tile cleaning
approaches can damage your tile! Use of techniques
such as pumice stone, sand blasting, and some
chemical techniques can harm your tile and pool.
Perfection Pools & Spas has invested in expensive
Glass Bead Cleaning equipment for its customers.
This approach results in damage-free like-new tile
appearance after the cleaning.
Why does pool tile get
stained or dirty?
Pool tile will get dirty from a number of reasons.
Quite often the wrong chemistry mix in the pool is
the root of the problem. Oils from swimmers and
other items on the surface can stick to pools.
Another source is hard water that can cause mineral
build-up on tile through evaporation at the surface.
Very dirty green or black algae-laden water can also
stain tile, especially when allowed to sit over a long
period such as the wintertime. These types of
issues may also stain your pool plaster.
Should I raise the chlo-
rine level of my pool to
clean stained tile and
No! This can be a dangerous approach. High
chlorine levels and low Ph will damage anything
metal in your pool, including the metal parts inside
your pump, heater, and filter.
How is acid-washing
accomplished to clean
The pool must be drained to reach the stained
plaster. An acid-wash technique is used to remove
the stain from plaster. In severe staining situations,
acid-washing may not remove all of the stain.
Pool & Spa Tile Cleaning & Plaster Cleaning